Return Policy

Return Policy

Thank you for shopping with Fine Kinoko!

If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, we're here to help. To be eligible for a return and reimbursement please make sure that:

The product was delivered within the last thirty (30) days.

You have the receipt, order confirmation or proof of purchase from Fine Kinoko.

For the fastest return processing, please contact us with your return order details here .

Note: If purchased from a retailer, the customer must return the item purchased to the store where purchased pursuant to the terms of the retailers return policies.

Please allow 1 billing cycle for the refund credit to appear on your credit card statement. The original order information is required for reimbursement. Please note that we do not have the ability to trace your return. Please refer to your carrier of choice for their tracking services.

 If you have any questions about our returns and refunds policy, please contact us at